Sarah Pern

Recent Posts by Sarah Pern:

Is your firm's social media personality losing you leads?

Defining your firm's social media personality online has a direct impact on lead generation. Engaging effectively via social media builds a relevant community of interested people and provides your organisation with a significant advantage. Not only will you get better results from your SEO (with Google now ranking on social influence and cues) but you will also generate more traffic from social media too. And, if you have great content to share with your visitors, more traffic will result in more leads.

Topics: content marketing online marketing marketers b2b marketing social media business owners

B2B marketers - How to feed your lead generation machine!

Topics: lead generation online marketing marketers b2b marketing

6 Online Marketing Trends for 2013 for B2B Marketers

Times are changing and successful B2B marketers need to stay ahead of the online marketing game.

Topics: inbound marketing content marketing online marketing marketers seo social media strategy personalised marketing

Harness Social Proof for B2B Lead Generation

Topics: lead generation content marketing online marketing marketers social media

Social Media Marketing for B2B Lead Generation [An Infographic]

B2B marketers are time poor, making effectiveness and efficiency of utmost importance. Social media should be an integral part of any marketing strategy today, but managing it can be time consuming and fruitless. Here are some top tips on planning, setting up and executing your social media strategy in order to minimise time wasted and maximise your results!

Topics: online marketing marketers social media infographic martech

Is PPC a waste of time? Or a valuable tool for B2B marketers?

There is ongoing debate surrounding the effectiveness of PPC for B2B marketers, as well as the effectiveness of PPC in general.

Topics: b2b marketing seo ppc

Why B2B Marketers Should Be Pro's at Dating

How would you feel if you went on a first date and they popped 'the question'?

Precisely. So why do some B2B marketers go straight from ‘Hi we are Company X’… to ‘buy our stuff, it's great!’?

Okay, so marriage is a slightly bigger decision than buying a product/service but the principle is just the same.

Unlike some B2C buyers, B2B buyers aren’t impulsive; they need TLC, encouragement and reassurance before they buy.

Topics: Lead Scoring b2b marketing lead nurturing lead conversion email marketing

6 Common Illnesses associated with B2B Marketers

Topics: content marketing strategy buyer personas lead nurturing lead conversion landing pages CTAs

8 Ways to Make Your B2B Blog a Lead Generation Machine

Many organisations are still dubious about the effectiveness of blogging - mainly because many businesses don’t know how to do it effectively!

Topics: content marketing b2b marketing lead conversion conversion rate

B2B buyer behaviour is shifting - How B2B Marketers must adapt

Even experienced B2B marketers are finding the rapid shift to online/digital/website/inbound marketing (pick your favourite acronym - we prefer Inbound!) challenging. Buyer behaviour is rapidly shifting and B2B marketing campaigns need to adapt to catch up.

Topics: content marketing b2b marketing strategy buyer personas buyer behaviour