Whether you’re designing your first website, or just not seeing the results promised by your current website – Growth Driven Design (GDD) has the answers you are looking for. If you've just joined us, we are in our 6th week discussing this innovative, new website design concept, so be sure to check out the introduction to GDD, problems with the traditional website design process, GDD's three foundational pillars, what's involved in Phase 1 planning, and the importance of wish lists. In this week's blog, we discuss what you need to do once you've launched your launch pad website and how you will start your ongoing cycles to continuously trial, learn and evolve your website.
Whether you’ve designed a new site or using your existing website as the launch pad site - it’s now time for lift off - and what's called 'continuous improvement.' This revolves around the personas coming to your site. At each stage of this cycle you must continuously ask yourself how this relates and provides value to them. If it's ever unclear how an action item relates or provides value to your persona, that's the time to stop and re-evaluate.
Cycle step 1 – Plan
First you need to identify the most impactful items and plan to implement the top ones, this includes:
- Reviewing the current performance of your website and comparing it to the SMART goals that you're trying to achieve: This will shed some light on existing opportunities to improve upon.
- Compiling the new data: You may need to do additional research to help determine any new action items to add to your wish list.
- Connect with the marketing and sales teams: See what they have learned about the user since your last cycle. Marketing and Sales have great insights that should be taken into consideration in the Growth-Driven Design process, so involve them as much as possible!
- Brainstorm and prioritise your wishlist: Based on everything you've learned up until this point you should have another brainstorming session to add any new action items to the wishlist.
Download our free ebook 'An introduction to Growth Driven Design'
Here are things to consider in your wishlist:
- Boost conversions: Work on what will optimise your conversion rates first.
- Improve user experience – improve ROI: A better user experience helps your persona find a solution to their problem/s faster.
- Personalise the experience for each user: You want to adapt your site , Call To Actions (CTAs), content offers etc, to each visitor. This can be done based off the data you've already learned about them. Think about:
- Geographical location – Should someone in Australia see something different to someone in the US?
- The referral source that drove them to your site
- The previous actions they've had with your site – For example, which pages have they viewed? What content have they downloaded?
- The device they're looking at your site on – What experience would someone get looking at your site on a smartphone compared to a tablet compared to a desktop?
- Make sure your marketing assets are up-to-date and build new ones where necessary: These hold great value for your marketing and enhance the user experience, they can include:
- Email lists
- Social accounts
- Your blog
- Resource sections
- Online training
- Directories
- General website updates: Don't forget to add these to your wish list as they come up well.
Once you have all the new items, prioritise them based on the (high, medium, low) impact they have on achieving your goals for the website and their relevance and value to the user. With an updated and prioritised wishlist, you can now plan your sprint cycle and implement the most impactful action items first. The time period in which you complete your cycle is up to you. It's best to start with a short list and complete those items really well. Then, if you finish before the expected due date, implement more.
Stay tuned for next week where we’ll be going over the remaining steps of the GDD design cycle for continuous improvement.
Dying to know what these are now? You can download our complimentary ebook anytime ‘An introduction to Growth Driven Design’ by clicking on the button below:
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