3 Simple Ways to Make Your B2B Marketing Interesting

interesting b2b marketing

Your B2B marketing doesn't have to be boring.

The key to being interesting to your buyers is to make sure you really, genuinely, understand what they want, how they want it, and when they want it.

This requires a significant amount of research into your buyer personas. It may take hours of your time, but it's worth the investment.

In essence, there are 3 ways to revamp your marketing to be more interesting to your target buyers:

1) Switch up the format

You don't have to say something new, every time. All it takes is a little variety by repurposing your content. So what type of format do your buyers prefer? Adapt your current content to suit their consumption preferences.

This year, a survey by Content Marketing Institute found that the biggest jumps in tactics have been in the use of research reports, videos, mobile content, and virtual conferences.

However, execution is still an issue, with 64% of B2B content marketers saying they are challenged with producing enough content, and 45% saying they are challenged with producing a variety of content.

Audit your current content, identify opportunities to "atomise" your content into other formats, or reskin existing content in a new format. 

2) Say something engaging

What information are your buyers interested in? This will depend on 2 things:

Their buyer persona

An accountant will have different interests and challenges to a business owner. In fact, you might solve completely different problems for them. So adjust what you say accordingly to pique interest and trigger engagement.

Their place in the buyer's journey

Where they are in their buying journey will drastically affect what they're interested in. Are they unaware of the problem, considering solutions, or selecting vendors? Or are they your current customers, who you want to up-sell?

Again, this is easier said than done. In the same survey, 52% of B2B marketers cited producing the kind of content that engages as one of the biggest challenges they face.

3) Be relevant

Marketing automation software can help you make your marketing relevant by allowing you to track how your buyers have engaged with you. In fact, businesses that use marketing automation to nurture prospects experience a 451% increase in qualified leads (The Annuitas Group via Hubspot).

Think about it. What are you more likely to respond to - an email that says, "read this case study on how content marketing can generate leads for your business!" or an email that says, "since you previously downloaded our guide to content marketing for lead generation, we thought you might be interested in this case study of how one company did it."

Obviously the second one is more likely to trigger action, because you're demonstrating that it might be relevant to them based on their own interactions with you.

To learn more about content marketing, download our free ebook:

content marketing revolution ebook


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