Inbound marketing can be pretty awesome. It truly is powerful and can deliver real revenue results to your business. Content marketing plays a major part within the inbound framework and helps you target and engage with your ideal buyer persona. Living in a digital age means we are all bombarded with countless advertising everyday, regardless of whether we want to see it or not. Everywhere we look, someone’s figured out how to stick an ad on it and make some money, and it can be highly annoying! So, in turn we have become accustomed to ignoring everything and only pay attention to what we want. This is why content marketing works, the whole purpose is to only engage and attract your ideal buyer persona, so effort (and money!) is not wasted on anyone else.
There is no other way to spin it, B2B content marketing is the bee’s knees, and this blog will reveal the top 5 things about it.
1. It’s cost effective
Inbound leads cost 61% less than outbound leads. Think about it, going to trade shows, conducting direct mail outs and telemarketing are outbound methods that cost considerably more than inbound methods such as:
- blogging
- sharing content across social media platforms
- building landing pages to house your free, educational content
- using keywords in all of your online marketing efforts
Although we will always advocate that inbound is the way to go, we never completely disregard outbound marketing methods, as finding the right balance can yield fantastic ROI. For example you could send EDM’s to your database ie, contacts that have given you their email address and permission to communicate with them via email- preferably no bought lists! What type of EDM’s you ask? You may publish a blog once a week and in order to get a bit more traction from your blogs as well as engage a little more with your contacts, you could email out to your blog subscribers a monthly newsletter that highlights your top 3 performing blogs of the previous month. This method works well as it’s a gentle reminder to your subscribers that you’re still there and trying to provide them with free, relevant and educational content, not spamming them and trying to sell your product or service.
2. It utilises the power of social media
Gone are the days, when you had to rely on buying expensive advertising space in any print media in order to build awareness about your business. Now businesses can share their content across social media channels for free. Twitter and LinkedIn for example are fantastic platforms to engage with your buyer persona’s as they can:
- Help you build up a following of people who want to hear from you
- Allow you access to engage with influencers within your industry who hopefully can help you engage with more of your buyer personas
3. It builds up your credibility
By continuously and regularly posting and sharing relevant, educational content to your buyer persona you are increasing your credibility. This can be shown through social proof, meaning:
- Visitors to your website sharie or comment on you blog articles
- Your followers share, like, re-tweet and comment on your content across your social media platforms
This also works well with Google. Your website’s organic SEO will improve as it builds a reputation as being a trusted source. Things that will help you get into Google’s good books include:
- People interacting with you online
- You regularly placing relevant content on your website
- Other websites linking to pieces of content on your website because they find it useful
4. It makes businesses develop their buyer persona
When a company begins their inbound marketing journey it shines a light on many important things regarding their marketing that should have been thought about a long time ago. It makes them develop a strategy, and leads them to think about their ideal buyer persona. The company wil identify the buyer perona's needs and the problems they need to solve in order to do their jobs better. Content marketing makes businesses produce relevant, valuable content that can drive real revenue results.
5. You can measure nearly everything!
Without data you can’t prove that anything you’re doing is making a positive impact. By using an analytics tool you can monitor, review and adjust your campaigns to yield better results.
So there you have it. Of course there are plenty more great things about B2B content marketing, these are just five examples we thought were the best! To learn more about how to measure effectively what contributes to your business' bottom line download our free ebook below.