Finding your company's tone of voice is an essential part of the brand creation process. A consistent brand voice across all content can not only make a company stand out from the crowd, but also help attract customers. And not just any customers – the right customers. If you speak your target market's language, they will listen to you and respond.
In a recent article for the Content Marketing Institute, Dr Andrew Bredenkamp reveals 12 secrets to creating a consistent brand voice. Here are two examples:
Colloquial language is the language of everyday casual speech – the way we talk when we’re talking with friends and think nobody’s listening. It’s a flexible term because the meaning of casual varies speaker to speaker and culture to culture. Colloquial language is likely to use contractions and may include slang or even profanity.
MailChimp, an email marketing company, uses colloquial language. Have a look at this blog post with phrases like grabbing coffee, go look them up, bare bones, bunch of big buttons, and big a-ha moments. As the MailChimp example shows, colloquial language doesn’t necessarily mean simple. Writing colloquially doesn’t mean you can’t cover technical features or concepts. It just means you adopt the tone of an expert chatting to a non-expert.
Pronouns stand in place of the names of people or things. Your choice of pronouns can have a big effect on your tone. For example, when writing about your company, you can use first person (we) or third person (Acme Corp.). First person is more immediate, positioning your brand as a group of people, while third person is more detached and abstract, with less clarity as to who is speaking.
When referencing your audience, you can use second person (you) or third (customers or suppliers). Second person is direct and engaging, while third person is more distanced. I’ve written this blog post in the first and second person, which makes it clear I’m addressing you directly.
No matter where you decide to take your company's tone of voice, make sure it is consistent across all content and all marketing channels so you can build trust with your reader (the buyer) and establish yourself as a reliable organisation. Head here to read Bredenkamp's full article, Don't Sound Like Everyone Else: 12 Essential Elements to Create a Consistent Brand Voice.
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