If you’re still not convinced of Twitter’s place in B2B content marketing or, if you haven’t seen results from your tweets then its understandable you might question its value.
But before you dismiss the effective top of funnel tactic, perhaps you should assess your distribution tactics. We took some useful advice from Fusework Studios’s research…
To improve engagement, impact and follower figures, consider these key statistics:
#1 Saturdays and Sundays show a 17% increase in engagement rate compared to the weekdays. Better yet, only 19% of brand tweets are published on weekends. So make use of your competitors’ downtime and automate some exciting weekend tweets for your followers to chew on.
#2 Tweets with #hashtags experience two times more engagement than tweets without #hashtags. Build a list of industry-relevant hashtags, take note of trending topics and use their traffic. It’s a speedy way to double value. But please beware of hashtag overuse, ie. don't #Hashtag #Every #Single #Word #In #Your #Tweet or #putsuperlongphrasesinahash.
#3 Tweets with less than 100 characters have a 17% higher engagement rate than longer tweets. Keep it simple, snappy and catchy. Less fuss, right?
#4 A tweet’s Retweet rate increases twelve times when the tweet asks followers to Retweet or RT. We understand that this direct CTA doesn’t come easily to every business and brand, but if you’re able to use this amplification tactic be certain that you’re adding value in a unique, remarkable way.
At the end of the day, we return to an unyielding truth about B2B marketing; say what has meaning for your buyers. Know them, think like them, and understand what would make them read your tweets. Feel and attempt to mitigate your buyers’ pain.
Your Twitter account can build brand awareness and industry credibility – which after all is the first step in generating sales-qualified leads – it’s a great recycling tactic and therefore an investment you should consider making.
If you would like learn more about social media's impact on revenue, please download our free whitepaper.
Have you got any tips on B2B Twitter use? Share what you've found useful with us in the comments section below.
photo credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.co
m/photos/fabianmohr/36852023/">fabianmohr</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photo pin</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/">cc</a>