There have been some interesting discussions in the B2B marketing blogosphere recently about content marketing. Because content marketing done properly, provides your target audience with:
- Genuinely interesting and valuable content
- Relevant to the reader
- Attuned to the stage of the buying cycle
It is, by definition, search engine optimised. Content with these attributes is the "source code" of search engine optimisation, because it's what your target users are searching on and care about.
So welcome to a new B2B Marketing buzzword..."Content Marketing optimisation."
Here are the 7 key steps we always follow at g2m Solutions when we are building and optimising content for our clients.
Step1: Brainstorm around the problem you solve for your buyers. Who are your buyers? What are their roles? What industry sectors are they in? What size company do they work for? What problems do buyers with these characteristics face in their daily work lives, what problems must they solve urgently that are causing them maximum discomfort.
Step2: Make a long list of keywords born from these problems. Are there special industry phrases that your buyers might use? Start with a key word and try and come up with long tail versions.
Step3: Make sure your content is findable by your buyers. Include h1 and h2 tags wherever possible. Add metadata and links to other content. Always add alt tags to images.
Step 4: Structure your content so that it's easily digestible. Work hard on your title, make it compelling. Ensure your "big idea" is set out early in the piece so your readers know why they should bother reading on. Break your content up into digestible pieces, use bullets and lists liberally.
Step 5: Make sure your delivery vehicle is "fit for purpose." Should this content be delivered as a white paper or a webinar, perhaps a video or a podcast? Ensure the language you use is pitched at the right level. So often content is too complex for the average reader. Resist the temptation to sound smart; instead aim to be blisteringly clear.
Step 6: Make your content actionable. Always insert a call to action. Wherever possible create some interactivity by asking readers to comment (eg a blog post like this one.) Link to related content, keep their learning journey alive.
Step 7: Broadcast your message far and wide. Let the power of the internet and social media spread your message. Ask people to share your content with their colleagues. Make it easy to share by adding email, LinkedIn and Twitter buttons right there in your content.
Content marketing finally seems to be getting the recognition it deserves. B2B marketers in Australia seem, finally, to be waking up to the fact that content marketing is the central platform to their lead generation efforts.
Use the comments section below to add any additional steps you think we should all consider when optimising our content. Do you agree with the 7 steps?
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