Christabelle Tani

Recent Posts by Christabelle Tani:

Stop! The Top 8 Lead Conversion Errors made by B2B Marketers

This data from Marketing sherpa confirms what most B2B Marketers know to be an essential truth; generating leads as well as converting qualified leads into paying customers are the top priorities and challenges for B2B marketers. These days these twin challenges are rapidly shifting online as buyers make a bee-line for their search engine of choice to start their buying journey. This is why your website is integral to your B2B marketing strategy; it's how your buyers find and familiarise themselves with you.

Topics: inbound marketing lead generation content marketing b2b marketing strategy lead conversion landing pages

What B2B Marketers Should Do To Build Momentum

Topics: b2b marketing strategy lead nurturing lead recycling planning reporting

Ranking Through Content Marketing: A Marathon, Not a Sprint!

Topics: lead generation content marketing b2b marketing seo

3 Reasons Your Social Media Marketing Strategy is Failing

The end goal for social media in a B2B context is lead generation and revenue. However, all too often great social content can be lost in the online abyss of 'marketing la-la land', resulting in content that's not distributed through the right channels, to the right people, in a circumstance-specific manner.

Topics: content marketing social media strategy buyer personas context marketing personalised marketing

4 Kinds of Lead Nurturing Campaigns for B2B Marketers

How do you market to your B2B buyers in a way that won't scare them off, but instead nudge them down the funnel towards sales? For each campaign we are faced with this question. And each time, coming up with a good strategy takes much brainstorming and forethought. But that's the nature of this business: B2B marketing is challenging.

Topics: content marketing b2b marketing strategy lead nurturing email marketing

6 Questions To Ask Yourself About Content

Topics: content marketing b2b marketing build awareness planning

3 Things B2B Marketers Shouldn't Automate

Let's face it - there are some things that B2B marketers just shouldn't automate.

Topics: content marketing b2b marketing marketing automation

3 Ways To Gauge Your B2B Buyer’s Interest Level

We already blogged about the four major buyer roles in a complex sale, so today's post is about gauging your buyer's interest level. Digital body language (aka what you do online) can tell you a lot about how interested your prospect is. Of course, this is expected to change over time, depending on what goes on internally where said prospect works.

Topics: b2b marketing sales and marketing alignment buyer behaviour lead recycling

How To Be Interesting on Pinterest: A Guide for B2B Marketers

Just when us B2B marketers were getting comfortable with social media networks like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Linkedin, out comes a new contender for our time - Pinterest. Now if Pinterest were insignificant, and it was about as popular as Google's Buzz (sorry Google!), we'd probably leave it be until we were sure it was worth investing time in. But alas, as of February 2012, Pinterest reported 10.4 million users, with each visitor averaging 97.8 minutes on the site, 83% of which are 18-34 year old females.

Topics: b2b marketing build awareness social media strategy