Sue Fell

Sue Fell

Sue's experience is in company growth. Working for many years as Head of Growth running both the sales and marketing teams for eLearning companies Sue has been successful in not only growing the revenue but sustaining the revenue. She is passionate about creating learning programs that change behaviour and transfer knowledge.

Recent Posts by Sue Fell:

Onboarding is like watching people bloom....like a water lily in the sunshine!

I love my job…there you have it, I’ve said I out loud, I love my job! I get to play with HubSpot all day, onboarding people to the platform. I’m like a “pig in mud!” I get to see it work its magic in all different types of organisations, big, small, not-for-profits, service-based or product companies. You name it, we’ve done it.

But making the "HubSpot magic" happen actually takes a lot of practice and along the way I’ve learnt a lot about what does and (frankly speaking) what doesn’t work. Here is our 10 step approach.

Topics: HubSpot Digital Transformation Onboarding

Woop Woop! I have bought automation software! Oh wait...now what?

It has finally happened, my business case got the thumbs up, my stakeholders have all said yes, the decision to invest in some software to significantly improve the effectiveness of our marketing and sales teams has been made!

It is genuinely exciting......and actually, now I come to think of it, really quite scary.  What do I do now, where do I start, how long have I got before the CFO wants to see a return on their investment?

Sounds familiar?  Getting new software to deliver its promised gains is more than technical implementation and onboarding, its about taking the humans who will use it on a journey and getting them to change their behaviour and that equals a lot of hard work, done over many months.

Topics: HubSpot Digital Transformation Onboarding

Beat The Forgetting Curve

Mastering new automation software is central to marketers and salespeople alike. It’s an essential part of your modern tool kit. But learning – and more importantly remembering – how to use these essential tools can be daunting.

It turns out we’ve been forgetting things for a long time! And there is some interesting science that explains why.

Topics: HubSpot Digital Transformation Onboarding