Marketing Blog for B2B Growth | g2m Solutions

Top 10 SEO tips for B2B Inbound Marketers

Written by Chris Fell | 25-Aug-2011 01:56:00

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the art and science of getting your organisation ranked highly by internet search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Appearing in the top 10 (or the first page) of search results is the "Holy Grail" of website marketing or inbound marketing as people rarely search beyond that initial list of results.

SEO is often portrayed as a black art steeped in mystery that requires extraordinary technical skills and a special line that taps directly into the minds of the guru's at Google!

Many SEO specialist agencies charge obscene amounts of money to their clients, praying on B2B marketer's general ignorance of how to optimise one's site. In truth SEO IS important, but by following some simple rules, B2B marketers can do a good job of getting their organisation found by the search engines.

Here is our top 10 list we work with client's on as part of their inbound marketing retainer with us. We are also lucky enough to have access to Hubspot's powerful Keyword Grader tool.

  • Plan your SEO properly. Start with a clear target audience. List the problems you solve for your target audience. Brainstorm what pain points they have and therefore what phrases (not just single words) that they might use.
  • Assign a primary keyword for each of your website pages - one keyword, one page, if you feel the need to do more it probably means your page needs splitting into two or more pages.
  • Ensure the primary keyword phase is in the page url, so "" or "" 
  • Put your keyword phrase in the page title, meta keywords, meta description, H1 tags and Alt Text
  • Your primary keyword phrase should appear in your first and last sentence of the page and be at a general saturation rate of around 5%. Artifically pumping your article with keywords should a crime punishable by instant amputation of your writing hand! An easy to read style that informs and educates your reader, trumps articifical soundng SEO pumped keyword text EVERY SINGLE TIME.
  • Including a relevant image in your text is good copywriting practice and adds to the positive experience of the reader. Ensure you add alt text to the image description with your keyword in the text.
  • Bullet points are also great ways to get your key message across to readers who are often skip reading. Make sure your bulleted points are keyword rich.
  • Linking within your page is a very good idea if done correctly and in moderation. As a rule of thumb, one link per paragraph or bullet point is sufficient. Make sure the anchor text for the link is your keyword phrase wherever possible, rather than, for example, "click here".
  • Page length should be between 250 and 1000 words and should focus on one key message or topic. Avoid the urge to "bundle" multiple messages, ideas or topics on the one page. It is hard to optimise well if you have multiple objectives for a page.
  • Bold your primary keyword phrase at least once on your page.

As with a lot of inbound marketing, being effective is about employing a systematic process across your site, over time. The process involves 3 key elements:

  • Get found
  • Convert vistors to leads
  • Measure, analyse and improve.

SEO is just one of a number of key elements B2B Marketers must master. Best practice suggests that Inbound marketing should not be "set and forget", but the consistent application of core principles over time. These core principles are laid out in our free white paper, The Inbound Marketing Revolution



The measure of inbound marketing effectiveness is simple, increasing quality traffic, that converts into measureable leads and ultimately real revenue.

g2m Solutions offers inbound marketing retainers to assist firms who wish to optimise their website to generate leads that translate to real revenue. check out our Inbound Marketing Packages, or contact us.